My name is Nick Taber. I write and speak about personal development for people that resist authoritarian systems.
My background is in East Asian political economy and authoritarian politics. I spent years living in East Asia, where I helped corporate clients understand the policy landscape. I also wrote about authoritarianism in China for many globally renowned publications. I got my Master’s degree from the London School of Economics where I studied international political economy. I received my BA from American University, in international economic relations and East Asian studies, graduating Summa Cum Laude. I was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and won an award for outstanding service to the community. I also studied at Peking University. I was treasurer and director for a technology and media non-profit in California for four years. In my youth, I was a professional actor and member of the Screen Actor’s Guild.
My favorite “hobby” is to practice and live what I teach - to find ways to transcend my conditioning and remove blockages to my full potential. For this, I journal, meditate, spend time in nature, speak with wise people, and practice being the observer in all areas of life. I’ve appeared on a number of podcasts including Back from the Borderline and The Explorer Poet Podcast.